Choppers and Manipulators

Choppers and Manipulators

BVI Choppers and Manipulators are one of the greatest inventions in the field of ophthalmology that are known for their quality and durability. Malosa single-use instruments assist the surgeon to follow lens manipulation and nucleus rotation. Apart from this, BVI choppers and manipulators extend the scope of better chop techniques. Leading sections takes into count Sinskey and Lester hooks, Drysdale manipulators, Phaco Chopper/Mushroom Manipulator that are used in procedures related to cataract and cornea surgeries. The provision of blunt blades ensures the minute edge cutting from choppers. The products are capable enough to graduate every issue in regards to medical and science.


We have been serving our customers with a wide range of single-ended and double-ended choppers and manipulators. The most phenomenal part about these choppers and manipulators is that they are completely cost-saving and life-saving. The equipped handles in the instruments add on to the efficiency of the product.