
  • Silicone Tipped Cannulas

    0 out of 5

    23G Silicone Tipped Cannula

    25G Silicone Tipped Cannula

  • Squeezers

    0 out of 5

    Using the Squeezer, surgeons can control the start and speed of injection, as well as the amount of liquid dispensed to avoid overfill and a jet stream effect.

    The surgeon can easily guide the needle of the Squeezer through the entry system, get close to the retina, and precisely stain only the target tissue with complete control over the injection speed.

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  • Treq-Blue

    0 out of 5
    Specially developed ultrapure, innovative biomaterials for cataract surgery.
    Treq-Blue is developed to stain the anterior lens capsule for cataract surgery in cases of reduced red fundus reflex and poor visualization of the rhexis rim.

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  • Vitreq Cannula

    0 out of 5

    23G VFI Cannula

    25G VFI Cannula

    27G VFI Cannula