Smog and Stubble Burning: Your eyes are at a greater risk!!!

Smog and Stubble Burning: Your eyes are at a greater risk!!!

Are you experiencing a burning sensation in your eyes for the past few days? Well, this is a common problem that most people are complaining about nowadays. Ever wondered what is causing that burn? Experts say that it is due to the toxic substances present in the air which is heavily loaded with harmful pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, Sulphur, and other hazardous gases. Lack of breeze has caused trapping of the pollutants resulting from stubble burning in the nearby regions. Firecrackers burnt during the Diwali festival will add to the woes.

Almost everybody part gets affected by the pollutants and people working outdoors or children playing outside are more prone to the harmful effects. Wearing specialized masks might help in providing some safety from respiratory and cardiovascular problems. But it is the eyes that are severely exposed to these harmful gases present in the air. Besides respiratory problems, many people are complaining about burning sensation, itching and redness, discomfort, swelling, and watery eyes.

Smog arising from the burning of stubble causes allergy and damages our eyes.  Increased dust levels can also cause blurry vision and several eye infections. Common eye problems that are caused due to smog include:

  • Burning sensation
  • Watery eyes
  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Sore eyes
  • Dry eyes

However, with a little bit of precaution and carefulness; these problems can be avoided or managed effectively. It is advised to adopt the following practices in your daily lives to protect eyes from the extremely polluted air.

  • Wash your hands often and do not touch or rub your eyes
  • Stay hydrated to avoid dry eye conditions. Drink lots of water in a day, preferably, 8 to 10 glasses.
  • Avoid going out during peak smog hours, especially, during the early hours of the morning. If you have to step out, do wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
  • Keep washing your eyes with clean and cool water
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses if there is any discomfort or redness in the eyes. Wearing protective glasses over the contact lenses can also be helpful.
  • Consuming foods rich in Vitamin A like carrots, walnuts, spinach, berries, almonds, and green leafy vegetables are very important
  • Eating food items rich in Omega 3 fatty acids like fish is extremely beneficial for the health of the eyes
  • Keep your eyes lubricated with eye drops after getting them prescribed from your ophthalmologist. Eye drops will flush out the irritants from the eyes.
  • Limit your screen time including laptops and mobile phones. If you have to use, keep taking frequent breaks in between to avoid dry eyes, fatigue, and computer vision syndrome. Avoid any overexertion to the eyes. The use of blue-ray filter screens or special blue ray glasses can help in reducing the harmful effects of the lights coming from the screens.

Lastly, it is very important to avoid exposure to pollution for optimal vision care and your overall well-being. Avoid going to the highly polluted areas and try to stay indoors as much as possible. In case there is any continuous discomfort in the eyes, seek an appointment with your ophthalmologist immediately. He will perform a thorough eye check-up and prescribe the possible treatment for your eyes.

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