Safety Tips To Protect Your Eyes This Diwali

Safety Tips To Protect Your Eyes This Diwali

The festival of lights is approaching and is almost here to fascinate us again. The rangolis, diyas, and colorful fireworks may seem appealing but if not done properly, the festival of lights can cause serious injuries, especially to your eyes. During Diwali, high numbers of eye injuries are reported that becomes the cause of emergency hospital visits. Serious injuries to the eyes can result in partial or permanent damage to the eyes. Hence, it is important to take care of the eyes and protect them from damage during this festival season. Here are a few tips to guide you on how you can keep your eyes safe this Diwali.

Keep your distance from fireworks

Fireworks may look beautiful but they are a big threat to our eyes. The debris may enter into our eyes if you are standing too close while lighting them up. Therefore, always keep a distance from fireworks. The crackers release gunpowder and other fragments into the air which can harm the surface of the eyes. Even the sparks can come into contact with your eyes and severely damage the cornea. While bursting crackers maintain an arm’s length distance between the crackers and your face.

Wash your eyes frequently

The air, during the festival time, is filled with fragments and small particulate matter that come from the bursting of crackers. These particles can enter into the surface of eyes and cause redness, dry eyes, or irritation. It is better to wash your face with clean water frequently throughout the day. Using prescribed eye drops can also help in reducing the chances of getting any eye infection later.

Wear protective glasses

It is always recommended to wear protective eyewear while igniting fireworks and going outside during Diwali. Protective glasses will act as a shield for the eyes by preventing any foreign particles from entering your eyes. These eye wears are capable of bearing a stronger impact as compared to normal spectacles which are clinically-tested. They can also help in protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of smoke caused by fireworks.

Do not wear contacts

Contact lenses are sensitive and can react with the heat and flames coming out of diyas, candles, and fireworks. The high temperature can melt the lenses in the eyes and can irritate the surface of the eyes. This can also make the eyes burn and water which can eventually damage them. Hence, it is better to wear your spectacles while lighting crackers and candles, and diyas.

Consult an eye specialist

If you get an eye injury during Diwali, giving proper first-aid can help in reducing the impact of the injury. DO not rub or rinse your eyes as it can cause bleeding or worsen the injury. Also, do not try to become your doctor or apply any ointment your own without consulting any specialist. It is strongly recommended to consult an eye specialist and get proper medical treatment.

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