Reusable Backflush Instruments – Vitreq

Reusable Backflush Instruments – Vitreq

Reusable Backflush Instruments by Vitreq are used in vitreoretinal surgeries for safe backflush of intraocular fluids. The instruments are designed in a lightweight and ergonomic design to work with a disposable backflush reservoir that is directly connected to the backflush needle. The handles are made in titanium and are used with any required cannulas. The hand instruments cover all needs of surgical backflush.

Backflush instruments are primarily used for passive and active aspiration of intraocular fluids and debris and reflux of incarcerated tissue. The enlarged backflush reservoir ensures sufficient and efficient backflush capacity. The rigid metal shaft of the instrument is 30 MM+ in length and is helpful in Myopic cases. It reduces flexibility which gives better surgical control and improved precision during surgical procedures.

Reusable backflush instruments are available at Lense Home in two types; Universal Backflush Instrument and Luer-Lock Backflush Instrument. The Universal Backflush Instrument can be used in combination with brush tip needles and is suitable for atraumatic brushing of the retinal surface. Leur-lock Backflush Instrument is used in combination with leur-lock needles. The Luer-lock needles can be used for the active aspiration.

The non-sterile and reusable instruments are color-coded for clear identification of gauge sizes. For more details or product inquiry, Contact Us:

Reusable Backflush Instruments And Consumables (1)

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