Effect of Online Classes on Eyes and How to Protect Them

Effect of Online Classes on Eyes and How to Protect Them

There has been a considerable change in our lifestyle due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The way we used to work, eat, sleep, and do various other things have been drastically changed. While the adults are coping up with these changes, the younger population is dealing with the crucial changes in their own way through these online study portal. While the schools are shut due to pandemic, the children are bound to sit in front of computer screens for long hours as they do not have any other option. This has started becoming a cause of worry for the parents as many children are now complaining of eye problems, headaches, and stress.

Common Eye Problems prevailing in Youngsters

With ongoing online classes, there has been a noticeable rise in the eye-related problems among kids and teenagers nowadays. These problems include dryness, blurring, eye fatigue, Computer Vision Syndrome, squinting, inflammation, and reddening of the eyes. They are also facing the problem of Myopia, i.e. problem in focusing clearly on farther objects.

Some tips and ways to protect eyes during online classes

Take frequent breaks
Taking frequent breaks from e-classes can help in relaxing your eyes. Ophthalmologists advise following the 20/20/20 rule which means to take your eyes off from the screen every 20 minutes and focusing on any object which is minimum 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

People normally blink 14-18 times every minute but this blinking gets significantly reduced to just 5-7 times per minute when watching a computer screen. This results in dry and itchy eyes. Experts suggest practicing blink training and gently opening and closing eyelids for 10 times every 30 minutes. This will help to keep the eyes moisten and prevent dryness and irritation in the eyes.

Using protective film
The bright light from the computer screen may exhaust your eyes. Using anti-glare films for your monitor can help in keeping eyes fresh and unstrained.

Palm Massage
Along with high exposure to bright light, sitting very close to the computer screen also makes the eye muscle extensively stretched. To get some relief, rub your palms against one another to create some warmth and then place them on your eyelids. This really soothes the eyes and helps to reduce the strain.

Keeping the devices at a distance
Looking closely at the computer screen for long hours may damage the optic nerve and retina. Placing the devices at least 18-4 inches away from the eyes and slightly below the eye level will help to reduce the chances of eyes getting drier and exhausted. Also, make sure that your child sits in an erect posture.

Healthy Diet
Above all, the healthy and right diet plays an important role in the well-being of the eyes. Taking a rich diet full of Vitamin A and C keeps the eyes healthy. Fruits and vegetables like eggs, broccoli, cabbages, apples, carrots, papaya, and spinach should be included in the diet regularly.

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